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IT Standards- & Compliance Manager (m/w/d)
  1. IT Governance and Compliance
  2. Leadership
  3. Strategic Management
  4. Seminar: Standards and Frameworks
Fakten zur Weiterbildung

Weiterbildung: Fernstudium

Kursart: Online-Vorlesung

Dauer: Vollzeit: 4 Monate / Teilzeit: 8 Monate

Wir bieten digitale Kursunterlagen an, um Ressourcen zu schonen und unseren Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten.

Niveau: Die Weiterbildung ist auf dem inhaltlichen Niveau eines Master Studiengangs.
Eine Weiterbildung auf Master-Niveau ist anspruchsvoller als auf Bachelor-Niveau. Vorhandenes Grundlagenwissen im gewählten Fachbereich ist deshalb von Vorteil.
Zugangsempfehlungen: Englisch auf B2 Niveau
IT Governance and Compliance
IT governance and compliance are key elements within corporate governance, since most modern businesses rely heavily on IT infrastructure for their success. These elements detail the required leadership and organizational structures for maintaining and extending information technology in order to meet business strategies and objectives.
  1. About IT Governance
    1. Concept and Definitions
    2. The Value of IT in the Organization
    3. Current State and Perceptions
    4. Governance, Compliance and Risk Management in IT
  2. Establishing IT Governance and Compliance
    1. Assessment
    2. IT Strategy
    3. Tactics
    4. Operations
    5. Compliance
    6. Performance
  3. The COBIT Framework
    1. Overview of COBIT
    2. The COBIT Goals Cascade
    3. The COBIT Process Reference Model
    4. Deploying and Implementing COBIT
  4. IT Governance Frameworks
    1. Quality Management as a Foundation
    2. ISO 9000 Family
    3. Maturity Models
    4. Relationship to Service and Architecture Frameworks (ITIL, TOGAF)
    5. Relationship to IT Security Frameworks (ISO 27000 family)
  5. Data Protection and IT Security
    1. Data Protection
    2. IT Security Management
    3. IT Security Threats and Attack Scenarios
    4. Countermeasures
    5. Cryptography

Fakten zum Modul

Modul: IT Governance and Compliance (DLMBITGSM2)

Niveau: Master

Unterrichtssprache: English

Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
  • Klausur, 90 Minuten
Kurse im Modul:
  • DLMBITGSM02 (IT Governance and Compliance)
Kurs: DLMBLSE01-02
Students will be prepared to take over a leadership role in an organization. Students will be equipped with the psychological foundation of performance and commitment as the most crucial outcome variables in leadership. Based on their psychological understanding, they will develop a deep understanding of resulting social processes such as motivation, conflict, power, and leadership. Solid theoretical foundations will be taught, and students will transfer their theoretical knowledge to work-place problems.
  1. Organizational Behavior as the Foundation of Leadership
    1. What Is Organizational Behavior?
    2. Job Performance
    3. Organizational Commitment
  2. Psychological Mechanisms
    1. Individual Characteristics
    2. Individual Mechanisms
    3. Group Characteristics & Diversity
    4. Group Mechanisms
    5. Organization Mechanisms
  3. Motivation Concepts
    1. Self-Determination Theory
    2. Reinforcement Theory
    3. Expectancy Theorie
    4. Motivational Concepts Applied
  4. Organizational Justice
    1. Equity Theory
    2. Distributive Justice
    3. Procedural Justice
    4. Interactional Justice
    5. Cultural Justice
  5. Making and Implementing Decisions
    1. Perception and Individual Decision-Making
    2. The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition
    3. Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making
  6. Power and Politics
    1. Trait Theories of Leadership
    2. Behavioral Theories
    3. Contingency Theories
    4. LMX Theory
    5. Bases of Power
    6. The General Dependence Postulate
    7. Influence Tactics
  7. Conflict
    1. The Conflict Process
    2. Negotiation in a Social Context

Fakten zum Modul

Modul: Leadership (DLMBLSE-02)

Niveau: Master

Unterrichtssprache: English

Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
  • Klausur, 90 Minuten
Kurse im Modul:
  • DLMBLSE01-02 (Leadership)
Strategic Management
Various methods of strategic market analysis are presented in this course so as to allow students to evaluate risks and opportunities in global markets, highlighting intercultural aspects, by looking at organizations operating in different countries. Students learn to analyze and understand strengths and weaknesses of organizations from various disciplines (products, services, NGOs etc.) that face specific market situations. Supported by new developments in the field of market research, the process for identifying and analyzing core competencies and competitive advantages in national and international environments is discussed at length. Students are supported to plan strategic alternatives and to implement and control these by taking on fictitious roles within various different organizations. Exercises and international case studies help students to identify with the role of management and participate in the strategic planning process as well as in operational management. This helps students understand the problems companies regularly face and comprehend how methods of modern management can be used in order to solve these.
  1. What is Strategy?
    1. What is a Corporate Strategy?
    2. What Has to be Taken into Consideration when Making Strategic Decisions?
    3. Who Takes Part in Developing a Strategy?
    4. What is Included in a Solid Strategic Plan?
  2. The Strategic Environment
    1. Where Are We in the Market Place? The Macroenvironment
    2. Where Are We in the Market Place? The Microenvironment
    3. Analysis, Strategic Capabilities, and the Five Forces Model
  3. The Position in the Market
    1. Why Do We Exist?
    2. What is Our Position in the Market?
    3. What Information Does the Company Need?
    4. What Capabilities Does the Company Have?
    5. What Capabilities Do Others Have?
  4. What Strategic Options Are Available to the Strategic Business Unit (SBU)?
    1. What Strategic Options Does the SBU Have?
    2. Interactive Strategies
    3. Product Life Cycle
  5. What Strategic Options Are Available to the Corporation?
    1. Areas to Consider When Formulating a Strategy
    2. Strategic Options
    3. Outsourcing
    4. Product Portfolio Analysis Using the BCG Matrix
    5. Product Portfolio Analysis Using the GE-McKinsey Matrix
  6. What International Strategies Are Available?
    1. Why Do Companies Go International?
    2. What Factors Contribute to the Decision About Which Country to Invest In?
    3. How Can a Company Invest Internationally?
  7. Do-It-Yourself, Buy, or Ally?
    1. Do-It-Yourself
    2. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)
    3. Strategic Alliances
    4. How to Decide Whether to Buy, Alley, or Do-It-Yourself?
  8. How to Evaluate Strategies?
    1. How to Evaluate Strategy?
    2. Implementing Strategy

Fakten zum Modul

Modul: Strategic Management (DLMBSME)

Niveau: Master

Unterrichtssprache: English

Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
  • Klausur, 90 Minuten
Kurse im Modul:
  • DLMBSME01 (Strategic Management)
Seminar: Standards and Frameworks
The seminar familiarizes students with a procedure for the critical evaluation of international standards and frameworks of IT. It brings students into the position to evaluate the value and the constraints of a standard for a given industry scenario and to give advice to the executive management in this regard. The seminar focuses on the critical evaluation of the principles and assumptions of standards, the consistency and coherence of recommended categories and work instructions and the assessment of the feasibility, implementation and maintenance of the standard. On this basis, the students prepare a report for a given standard in a given industry scenario, which evaluates the standard according to these criteria and concludes with a recommendation for endorsement or rejection of the standard.
  • In this seminar, international standards for the IT sector are examined for their usability and preconditions. The selected standards include de facto and de jure standards, good practices (GxPs), frameworks (such as ARIS, TOGAF, COBIT, ITIL, CMMI), project management frameworks and various IT-relevant ISO standards.The analysis starts with an evaluation of the similarities and differences with regard to the application areas of the standards. This is followed by an assessment of the intention of the editors, the popularity of the standard and the reasons for its introduction in selected industry sectors. On this basis, the students write a seminar paper in which they make a critical assessment of the feasibility for a given standard in a given industry scenario. The seminar paper covers the following criteria:
    • Principles: A critical evaluation of the principles of the standard for the given industry scenario.
    • Assumptions: Identification of the explicit and implicit assumptions made in the standard and their plausibility check in the given industrial scenario.
    • Categories: Evaluation of the conformity of the given categorizations with the industry scenario.
    • Processes: Determination of the necessary workflows and assessment of feasibility.
    • Expectations: Identification of stakeholder requirements and expectations.
    • Consistency check: Identification of contradictions in one of the above categories.
    • Coherence check: assessment of completeness and, if necessary, recommendations for further standardization.
    • Requirements: Determination of the preconditions for implementing the standard.
    • Maintenance: An estimate of the effort required to maintain and update the standard. The seminar paper concludes with either an endorsement or a rejection of the standard for the given industry scenario, rationally justified with the results of the analysis.

Fakten zum Modul

Modul: Seminar: Standards and Frameworks (DLMIMSSF_E)

Niveau: Master

Unterrichtssprache: English

Credits: 5 ECTS-Punkte
Äquivalent bei Anrechnung an der IU Internationale Hochschule.
  • Hausarbeit
Kurse im Modul:
  • DLMIMSSF01_E (Seminar: Standards and Frameworks)


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