Weiterbildung: Einzelmodullehrgang aus Master Artificial Intelligence (Quellstudiengang: 1110320c)
Kursart: Online-Vorlesung
Dauer: Vollzeit: 6 Monate / Teilzeit: 12 Monate
Wir bieten digitale Kursunterlagen an, um Ressourcen zu schonen und unseren Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten.
Praxis-Austausch: Wöchentlich diskutieren Praxisexpert:innen mit Teilnehmenden aus verschiedenen Weiterbildungen aktuelle Fragestellungen, Tools und praktische Fallbeispiele in 90-minütigen Online-Veranstaltungen.
Modul: Programming with Python (DLMDSPWP)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
Machine learning is a field of scientific study concerned with algorithmic techniques that enable machines to learn performance on a given task via the discovery of patterns or regularities in exemplary data. Consequently, its methods commonly draw upon a statistical basis in conjunction with the computational capabilities of modern computing hardware.
This course aims to acquaint the student with the main branches of machine learning and provide a thorough introduction to the most widely used approaches and methods in this field.
Modul: Machine Learning (DLMDSML)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
Neural networks and deep learning approaches have revolutionized the fields of data science and artificial intelligence in recent years, and applications built on these techniques have reached or surpassed human performance in many specialized applications.
After a short review of the origins of neural networks and deep learning, this course will cover the most common neural network architectures and discuss in detail how neural networks are trained using dedicated data samples, avoiding common pitfalls such as overtraining.
The course includes a detailed overview of alternative methods to train neural networks and further network architectures which are relevant in a wide range of specialized application scenarios.
Modul: Deep Learning (DLMDSDL)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
Modul: Seminar: Current Topics in AI (DLMAISCTAI)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
Modul: Corporate Governance of IT, Compliance, and Law (DLMIGCR-01_E)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
This course presents in depth national and international legal framework conditions of information processing for companies. After an examination of the differences between international legal systems, an introduction is given to those legal constructs which serve as a basis for the development of IT-relevant legislation. Subsequently, areas of law are discussed from the perspective of concrete application-oriented business scenarios, such as contract law, licensing and patenting.
An introduction to the EU legal system is followed by a detailed discussion of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which gains increasingly international interest. This leads into a consideration of transnational legal systems and concludes with recommendations from supranational organizations.
Modul: International IT Law (DLMIMWITR1_E)
Niveau: Master
Unterrichtssprache: English
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